Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I do have a bike; and a project

A few weeks ago I was lamenting the fact I don't have a bicycle, and therefore cannot be in a bicycle gang. However, I forgot about Isaac's old bike that was hanging in the garage (it looks brand new). We got it out last weekend when we had some kids around the house. Shoot... I can ride this thing! And I decided that's one of the things I'm going to accomplish on my vacation this week: to learn a few tricks on this bike. Last night I tried wheelies and standing on the front end. This may take some time. The first trick I need to learn, though, is to make sure I keep all my "parts" where they belong; and don't kill myself.


Larry Geiger said...

Helmet, knee pads, dude!! Don't forget, ever! Be safe.

Shell said...

Yes - HELMET! I am affectionately called 'the helmet nazi'

Shell said...

I have an extra if you need it. SERIOUSLY!

I know a kid who fell in his drive way - just tooling around for a few minutes. He cut his head open and was unconscious for a couple minutes.

Did you hear about the five cyclists hit in Ottawa? None would even be alive if they had not had helmets on.

Head injuries are horrible...it's not like a broken arm that gets better.

PLEASE wear a helmet!

I have an extra...

signed, 'the helmet nazi'

dan said...

Thanks Shelly, but I probably won't get around to riding it anyway. And if need be, I think I have an old football helmet laying aroud... like Nicholson in Easy Rider. :)

Whisky Prajer said...

20 years ago, when I was a young guy working in a Toronto bookstore, the city had a transit strike. I was peeved because, as a regular cyclist, I now had to share my sliver of the road with all kinds of "new" cyclists. Nevertheless, I had to admit the first day in to work was extremely amusing: there were PLENTY of guys in suits, struggling to balance their briefcases as they rode their child's bike to work.

This picture sure brought back those memories.