In the laundry room is this self-explanatory sign - this is where the aluminum cans go. It's right next to Mr. Washing Machine and Mr. Salt-holder-for-the-water-softener.

I just made this note last week, because every now and then someone will forget that I am left-handed. See, we have this towel rack in the bathroom, and I can use the same towel for days (or sometimes weeks), and it bugs me when someone else will take my towel or put their towel on top of mine. So I figure since I'm the only one that is left-handed in our household, we should remember that my towel is on the far left hook. I don't know how everyone else remembers which one is theirs, but mine should be easy. Or maybe I'm the only one that has a problem with this. Anyway, I taped this note up just to be sure.

I suppose this is really a sign that I'm maybe a little anal too. I remember the first time I heard someone refer to someone else as "anal" I laughed, because I thought they were making fun of them. Calling them an a** or something. I wasn't aware that it is also short for "anal retentive." Which has nothing to do with gas, btw; though it's not really all that much fun to be this way either.
Ok... that's about enough excitement for today. It's been real.
Nice aluminum can sign.
I like the Dan's Towel sign too, except the top left corner is a little crooked.
Not that it matters.
And the bottom left corner of the towel sign appears to be sticking out a little far. And the tape isn't quite in the middle. And the towel could be folded a little neater. Not that it matters.
Yeah... you're probably the only two people in the world that even noticed. And not just because you're the only two people that read my blog. Not that it matters.
Another southpaw? Unreal. My dad, my boss, my pastor and me are all lefties. Right-minded people of the world, unite!
Ah... another lefty. I think Grace is a lefty too, if I remember correctly.
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