Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nooma for the old

Our church has always somewhat defied the cultural norms established by supposed church authorities. Another example is with the Nooma dvd's. My guess would be these dvd's are geared more towards a younger crowd. This past year our twenty-something class used them, as well as my wife's class - which is made up of mostly 40-50 year-olds, sprinkled with a few older folk. Both classes thought they were very good and created a lot of good discussion. However, what surprised me the most was our senior citizens class. They recently started watching them (and by "senior citizens" I mean 70 and 80 year-olds) and the teacher said this past Sunday that this was the best thing their class had ever used for Sunday School! Ha... Go figure. She said this was the first thing that got everyone in the class to participate in discussion, and she loved them. Of course, I guess it could be that since most of the class is women, they just think Rob Bell is that hot. Anyway, I was surprised how well they went over in Jane's class, but I was really surprised at how well they went over in the seniors class.

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