Saturday, January 01, 2011

Bible reading plans

Justin Taylor has a really nice list of different Bible-reading plans HERE. If you need some help in reading the Bible on a regular basis, I recommend you pick one out that fits who you are, and go. The first day of the year is a great time to start.

I know a lot of people want to try to read the Bible in a year. I did that every year for several years. But for some people that's just too daunting of a task (it's usually more of a mental thing). So I believe reading less is better than not reading at all (even though reading the Bible through is not that difficult - just don't psych yourself out).

All that said, my favorite plan - and the one I usually recommend - is the one listed as a Word file by Donald Whitney: A Bible Reading Record (see above link). It just lists every book, and each chapter in every book, and that way you can simply mark off whatever it is you have read and keep a 'record' of it. It allows you to go at your own pace. Some days you may read multiple books, and some days you may not read at all. This way you can keep track either way.

So, there ya go. Peace out, folks; and in.

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