Monday, April 08, 2013

Christian meditation cd's

I recently started practicing Christian meditation. The thing that sets "Christian" meditation apart from regular meditation is that, rather than emptying your mind, you fill it with more focused thoughts. My counselor suggested I do this, and prescribed it for me to do three times a day: morning, afternoon, and just before bed. I think it has helped, and continues to help. I don't know that everyone needs to do it three times a day, but I think it would be helpful even once a day (but what do I know). Anyway, I presently use two different cd's - both of which I would recommend:

The first one was made by the counseling center I use. You can download it from this page for free (the link is not quite halfway down the page - just before the videos). They use several instrumental hymns and a voice to guide you into different images and scenarios with God. It is 33 minutes long. Jane and I use this every night when we go to bed. There is also a nice description of what Christian meditation is on their page (and I would recommend them for Christian counseling).

The other cd I purchased, and I really like it as well. It is different from the first one in that it is a Lectio Divina (spiritual reading) cd. It also uses instrumental background music, but rather than having you imagine different things, they read Colossians 3:1-4 over and over in a very contemplative way. It is 42 minutes long. I believe it complements the other cd very well. You can find this cd on the website. It is towards the bottom and can either be downloaded or you can order the physical cd. It is called 'Lectio Divina - A New Life - Christian Relaxation and Meditation on Scripture.' I have not tried any of their other cd's, but I really like this one. They also have some good insights on relaxation and meditation methods on their site.

I was not aware of the overall benefits of meditation for our mental, emotional and physical health until recently - whether Christian or not. I recommend it for just about anyone.


Jim L said...

I need to get back on the meditation track. I've practiced various forms over the years, but never stuck with it in the long term. My bad, because I like how I am when I am doing it.

Keep with it!

dan said...

Thanks, Jim. You seem like a meditater. Which is better than a mashed tater, I would guess. :)