Friday, June 21, 2013

Five things friday

1. How can it be Friday already? This summer is just flying by. Even though... I guess this is only the first day of summer (I think; or was that yesterday?).

2. I went to our regional church conference this week. Three days in the lovely Terre Haute, Indiana. It was actually pretty nice. I enjoyed myself. I have a post about it that I will probably put up tomorrow, or someday. Anyway, I'm glad I went.

3. I still have not picked up a guitar yet (since May 5th), but if I do again.... two songs I want to work on for church are: 10,000 Reasons, and The Scandal of Grace.

4. Today I need to tan, run, mow the lawn, and clean the house some. We are going to have a house guest all next week and it's been awhile since we did a deep cleaning.

5. I have another 5k tomorrow (Zanesville). I don't like to run the day before a race, but I haven't run since Monday and I am feeling the effects. I don't intend to push it too hard tomorrow anyway. The bad thing is they have this nasty hill you have to run up AND down in the Zanesville race. Oh well.

1 comment:

MR said...

even with such a loose qualifier as "thing" I think I'm going to need a judge's ruling on #1.