Jane and I hosted our second annual November dinner party this past Saturday night (11/16). We have a group of friends that are somehow all connected through one particular Applebees restaurant. Other people have had parties and events, and last year we decided to have a pre-Thanksgiving sit-down meal. It went well, so we thought we'd make it an annual event.
Surprisingly enough, everyone made it this year and it was fantastic! There were 13 adults and 2 kids. Besides Jane and myself, there was: Mike, Kenny, Amish John, Dr. John, Travis & Amanda, Dave & Joni, Erica, Drew & Carrie, and Anna & Bennett. I'm not sure we could fit too many more people around a table. It was just about right.
We ate in the basement this year. We moved all the furniture and exercise equipment out of the way in the living room and set up two long tables end to end. It took every non-rocking chair we had, and there was just enough room. We even had room for Travis to fall asleep in the recliner. :)
The food was set up in the pool table room. Jane made potato soup and veggie-beef, as well as a bunch of appetizer-type foods. Other people brought food and drinks too. There was quite a spread, though there was also a lot left over. It was all very good.
The party started around 6 pm-ish, and we were supposed to eat at 7 pm. It was probably more like 8 or so. I think the majority of people left a little after 1 am.
This was a very satisfying night for Jane and me. After the summer we had, it was nice to be able to do something for some of the friends who have stuck with us. And after being in the church for so long and hosting so many things that so few people would attend or follow through with, it was nice to do something that actually worked out. We had a great night and it made us feel pretty good.
Next month is Mike's Christmas party. That was sort of the original group event, and we will actually get to stay for awhile this year (since I don't have to get up so early Sunday morning). It always proves to be a fun time - and not just because of the great Catch-Phrase game. :)
That was fantastic! And I love that feeling of satisfaction after you've just rocked your friend's world with an awesome party. I'd call it intoxicating, but who can tell since after the party I'm already drunk. Anyway, you definitely captured the formula with that shindig! And yeah, I'm really looking forward to the Christmas party this year. And oh yeah Catch Phrase. I suppose boring people could play that game and make it boring, but tossed into our crowd it really brings out the reason why no one else will have us. hahaha!
Yep. :)
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