Thursday, January 23, 2014

Anna's 3rd birthday

Our granddaughter, Anna Jane, turns 3 years old today. She was born on 1-2-3 (only slightly outdone by her brother who was born on 10-11-12). It's hard to believe how she has grown so much, and talks so much, and seems so ....."old." This picture of her shopping the other day is pretty classic "Anna."

I can still remember the day she was born. We got a phone call early on a Sunday morning that Drew Carrie were heading to the hospital. We went up for a bit, then I went to church and did the morning service (while Jane stayed at the hospital), then I went back to the hospital and we waited for her to be born. It was a pretty fantastic day.

We will take her presents over to her tonight, then there is going to be a party this Sunday. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!!

1 comment:

MR said...

Happy Birthday, Anna! Also born on 1-23 was Mark Reilly, my brother who now lives in Orlando. Luckily I noticed a few days ago, in time to squeeze off a card.