Step 1: Think about your typical week and the people you encounter. Answer the following questions:
- Who do you see on the way to work?
- Who do you connect with at work?
- Who do you see in the evenings while at home?
- Who do you talk with on the phone?
- What neighbors and friends do you see on the weekend?
- Who do you encounter at church and other activities?
Step 3: For each name on the list think about the typical conversations you have with that person and assign a number between 1 and 10 beside their name. A "1" represents the smallest of small talk ("How was your weekend?"). A score of "10" represents conversations that are meaningful, significant and tend to result in positive spiritual movement.
Step 4: Now go back over your list and think which 4 or 5 relationships have the greatest potential to increase by at least 3 levels (for example, from a 2 to a 5, or from a 6 to a 9). For each of the 4 or 5 relationships, what is it that makes you think there is the potential for more? Jot down the names and your reasoning.
Step 5: Now pick 1 or 2 of the names listed in step 4 and consider these questions:
- How can you take those conversations deeper through coaching?
- What would you need to think, do, and say differently that you do now?
- What obstacles would need to be removed?
- What results might you experience?
- Where will you start?
- When will you do it?
I thought that was a very "timely" reading, considering my coaching session just 2 days prior. Now I just need to do it. :)