The son and his wife were able to spend a couple days with us this week. They arrived Thursday late-morning and stayed until this morning. So we had a couple nights and days to visit and hang out.
Thursday night we stayed at our house and the Feipel Five came over. We had a Mexican themed night, with Mexican style food and drinks. Friday we went to Two-EE's Winery and were going to eat supper and listen to music, but it was so oppressively hot that we didn't stay there long. The hillside where we sat was right in the sun and, while it wasn't bad if you sat really still, the kids were just drenched in sweat from running around. I was worried they were going to overdo it. So we didn't stay long. Drew took the kids to their house and put them to bed and the rest of us went back to our house and had pizza. We also watched The Barkley Marathons again on Netflix because Isaac and Ricci had never seen it. I think it's hilariously interesting.
This morning Jane, Isaac and Ricci were going to go watch Anna and Bennett play soccer, then they would have to leave. I had to work. I've been working 6 days a week lately, which doesn't really bother me, but I hope it doesn't become a permanent thing. Working in this heat (and driving my car with no AC) is really making me feel old anymore.
So, that's about it. It was nice having them around even for a brief visit. They have a lot of people they need to see when they come up North. Hopefully we can make a trip to Atlanta sometime this fall.