Today is my grandson Bennett's 4th birthday. I have always appreciated that he was conveniently born on an easy-to-remember date like 10-11-12. He is the middle child of daughter Carrie, and the first of the boys. He started preschool this year, and it sounds like he likes it. As you can see in this picture from our house this past Sunday - he can even write his name!
Benny is a rather quiet child who is content to play by himself or with others. He likes cars, trucks, planes, and little toy characters. He also enjoys sitting at the piano and strumming the guitar at our house. If it were up to me I would say he might be the one I would insist on enrolling in piano lessons (though I hope all of them learn it). He's a pretty happy boy, but he also seems to be a deep thinker even at such a young age.
Rumor has it that we may be invited over to enjoy noodles (his choice) for supper tonight. Drew Carrie are also having a family-sort-of birthday party at our house this Saturday afternoon.
1st day of preschool. |