Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Keeping the kids for the weekend
We kept the three grandkids this past weekend while Drew Carrie went to Florida. Apparently he got a trip through work somehow, so they flew out Friday and got back Monday evening.
Jane picked A, B, and C up from their neighbor when she got off work Friday. We had them Friday night, all day Saturday, and then took them back to Drew Carrie's Sunday evening. Drew's dad stayed with them Sunday night and took A & B to school Monday.
We had a good time with no incidents and they were super good. It's nice now that they're old enough to sleep through the night and they can basically take care of themselves (for the most part).
Saturday we took them to the play area at Jefferson Pointe and they exerted quite a lot of energy there. Saturday night Jane and I went to her work Christmas party and so Drew's niece babysat at our house from around 7-10:30 pm.
It started snowing Saturday night and when we got up Sunday there were several inches on the ground. The kids were pretty excited to go to our church though, so there was no chance we were going to miss (we probably wouldn't have considered it anyway). There were not a lot in church, but for some odd reason Anna, especially, likes going where we go. B & C went in the nursery (Bennett said he got bored) and Anna went in the kids class. The roads weren't real good, and when we got done with church it was snowing pretty hard.
When we got home the kids wanted to play in the snow. First we had to get the boys some gloves, then they went out and had a good ol' time prancing around the yard. Well, A & B did, C never did seem to be having much fun.
A had swimming lessons Sunday afternoon so Jane took her and I stayed home with the boys. They pretty much just watched TV and played upstairs. I might have even taken a short nap at one point.
Once Jane got home we started getting their things ready to transfer back to their house. We got there around 4:30 or 5 and I felt bad because I didn't realize Andy (Drew's dad) didn't have a key to their house. He arrived earlier and decided to kill time by shoveling snow. He had my car all dug out and the sidewalks shoveled all around. When we left the kids were having a good old time playing outside again. Hopefully he was able to corral them in at some point.
So, all in all, it was a pretty good weekend - even with the kids and 6-7 inches of snow.