Thursday, March 01, 2018

Uber stories

I will probably only drive one day this week. I've had some other things going on, been busy, needed to do some deep cleaning on the car, and will be gone a couple days. However, the one day I did drive - which was only for about 3 hours - was pretty good, and weird.

I turned on the app at 9:45 am and headed for the airport to wait on the plane from Punta Gorda, and on my way I got a ride request from nearby going TO the airport. So I dropped them off, swung around to the cell phone lot, and right away got a ride request off the PG flight. I dropped them off, and right away got another request from the airport. They went up north to the Coliseum Holiday Inn. While on the way I got another request. After him I picked up a guy way out north and took him to pick up his truck with snowmobiles so he could go to Minnesota or somewhere. Then came the last request of the day...

"Ashley" lived not far from my home. It was a scheduled ride, and as I pulled into her driveway there was another car just getting there too. The guy in the other car went in, and she came out. Nothing was said about it, but pretty soon she told me she was on her way to a job interview. She was nervous-talking a bit, and I was offering minimal support and hopefully encouragement. We passed a funeral home, though, and all of a sudden she's describing her friend who'd shot himself in the head. It was in such a matter-of-fact way that I'm wondering if it's the first time she's talked about it. So I just let her talk... We finally arrived at her destination and it was like the reality of the moment began to return. She was trying to collect herself, so I gave my only real advice: take three deep breaths, and just be yourself. She got out, straightened her jacket, and was gone.

So that was kind of different. I went to the carwash, grabbed a salad, and headed home so I could get ready for my other job. This one made me almost $60 on six rides in 2 hrs. 50 minutes. Another day of driving, but I felt a weird strangeness.

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