Thursday, May 17, 2018

A non-routine routine

I have always been somewhat a creature of habit. I like my routine. I NEED my routine. Not only do I do the same things and go to the same places, I will often even eat the same foods day in and day out for months on end. I prefer to know when I'm doing what, and for how long, and why. I'm not a fan of curve-balls or doing things "on the fly."

This has not been my life lately though. Since moving to more of a gig/part-time work experience, every day can be - and usually is - different.

While yesterday was not necessarily "normal," it was not out of the ordinary either. So, for simple posterity's sake, here was my day yesterday:
  • Wake up at 4 am
  • Leave for work at 4:35-ish
  • Open the Y around 4:50 am
  • Work until 9 am and head directly to the C2G parking lot
  • Set up the parking lot for a Tincaps game and work there until around 11:45 (chatted with the pastor awhile while there)
  • Strolled over to the game for a bit
  • Went home and had lunch, then went for a 70-minute run/walk along the rivergreenway
  • Took a shower and counted the money from the previous nights Tincaps parking lot
  • Went back to work for an hour (yes, I had to go in and work from 4-5 pm. Not my idea)
  • Got home around 5:20, had supper with Jane, watched a little TV
  • Went to bed around 8:30-9-ish
Today will be a little different. I work 5 am - 1 pm, then I have a coaching session and will likely take a bike ride, run or walk after that. Not sure what the rest of the day will entail. And Friday will be even different still.

So, yeah, not much of a routine. Sometimes it throws me for a loop, but sometimes it is actually kind of nice. The biggest thing is whether I can keep things straight in my head or not. As long as I just take each day as it comes and don't try to plan too far ahead I don't get too overwhelmed. So far.

And... that's about it for now. I'm writing this at work, and I have several more bags of towels to fold...

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