Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The power of love (sermon from the royal wedding)

I did not watch the 'Royal Wedding' myself. I'm honestly not sure what all the hullabaloo is about, but I realize it is/was a significant event to a lot of people. What I did finally watch, though, was a clip of Bishop Michael Curry bringing down the house with his 13-minute sermon during the service! Wow!

If you have not watched it, or would like to watch it again, please do so here (

I realize to some people these are mere "words"... but to me these are some very profound words about a very powerful truth. Personally, these kinds of sermons are highly motivating for me. I need to hear things like this from time to time, and probably should even more than that.

I think it's also worth remembering what our pastor said this past Sunday. I was not there but Jane shared with me that he used this sermon to illustrate where the church is falling short (at least one way). Apparently he was commenting on how several news organizations were marveling at this message of love - like it was something new - when the fact is, this has been the church's message for how long!?! Or at least it should be the church's message. The point being: apparently we have not been doing a very good job of getting this across.

Anyway, I appreciated the nudge to finally watch it. I hope to watch it again from time to time in the future. I recommend you do so as well...

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