Monday, June 25, 2018

A new tent

We bought a new tent last week. It's an Ozark Trail 6-Person Dome Tent. We got it at Walmart because we needed it right away and it was inexpensive. I think it was maybe $59.

The reason I'm writing a post about it is because we have had some disagreement about how long we've had the old tent. The truth is, neither of us probably have any idea. We've had it quite awhile though, and it leaks and the poles are pretty shaky, so we splurged and got this one.

We bought it to take to my parent's house so we could sleep in the yard with the grandkids. We did it one night last year and ended up getting Anna to spend the night outside with us. This year we somehow managed to convince Anna AND Bennett to spend the night in the yard. I think Caleb might have too, but at the last minute he was convinced otherwise.

Anyway, we don't do a lot of tent camping - or camping in general - anymore. I'm not a real big fan of camping. However, we do like to sleep out in the yard now and then. In our younger days we would occasionally get a wild hair and decide spur-of-the-moment to set up the tent in the yard and sleep outside. If we still had an air mattress it might happen more often. Fortunately my parents have one.

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