Thursday, August 09, 2018

The discipleship difference - in the context of community

In this continuing series of posts from my reading of the book 'The Discipleship Difference' from Logan Leadership, today I delve into one of my favorite passages of the bible, and what discipleship looks like in the context of community.

Hebrews 10:24-25...
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

I have always considered this foundational to what the body of Christ (the church) should look like. I appreciated the "unpacking" the authors did on p. 94, and am going to just share what they shared, word for word:
  • "let us consider..." The word consider implies intentional thought about how to help another individual. We are to take our time, sit down and consider the best way to spur one another on, recognizing that it may look differently for different people.
  • "how we may spur on another on..." This phrase speaks to the very nature of community. Community is designed so that we might spur one another on toward growth. The word spur implies both challenge and encouragement. Our growth happens in the context of community. We help one another on toward that growth.
  • "toward love and good deeds..." And toward what end are we spurring one another on? Toward love and good deeds. Not just love, not just good deeds - both. Here we see the highlighting of both the internal and external, the being and the doing. That's holistic discipleship.
  • "not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing..." Consistent meeting together speaks to the intentionality of the relationships. In any community of people, relationships can fade out if we're not careful. We need to be intentional about maintaining our discipleship community.
 So what does all this mean in regard to discipleship? As the book says, "It means that as we meet together, we come alongside one another to listen, to ask questions, to encourage, to challenge."

That seems so simple and straightforward... but let me ask you, are you doing that?? Like, actually? Maybe YOU are, but I'm not so sure I am. I know I have tried to at times over the years - whether in small groups, Bible studies, Life Transformation Groups, Renovare groups, or even Sunday School classes. I miss those things. I miss the intentionality, the comaraderie, the community... But even beyond those things (or included within them) I wonder if that isn't the discipleship difference for me right now?

Anyway, good stuff to think about. I think.

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