I did a minimal amount of research this morning on what it takes to get an airplane off the ground. This is the main function of the engines on many types of aircraft. Planes don't really need engines to fly, but it takes a certain amount of speed to take off.
The reason I was even thinking about this is because of two events that were to start at my place of work today. One was a fitness class that was re-starting, and another was a bible study that was to be totally new. Neither one "took off" very well, and I think I know why.
It takes a lot more energy to get something started than it does to maintain it once it's going.
The days of "If you build it, they will come" are over (if, in fact, it was ever true to begin with). People are so bombarded with information and options that we can no longer just put something on a schedule and expect others to notice, or care.
Starting a bible study - especially at a secular workplace - takes a lot of effort before it even begins. I would think it's the same with an exercise class. Certainly notices need to be made, but I think it's even more important that PEOPLE ARE TALKED TO!
Personal invitation is a powerful thing. Or, maybe the inverse is even more true: impersonal invitation is NOT a powerful thing. It's like trying to get a plane off the ground with no thrust. I know if I get an email invitation to something, if it even smells like a form letter, I pretty much disregard it.
So, anyway, nothing earth-shattering here. And none of it has anything to do with me. I just don't understand how people can be perplexed by lack of participation when little to no effort was put into the takeoff. Whatever.
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