Sunday, November 04, 2018

Garage shelf

I built a new shelf for the garage yesterday. I've had a bundle of lumber in my garage for a couple years from some shelving left in a storage unit that I had to remove when I worked there. I finally decided to do something with it.

I ended up putting the shelves where I'd had the basement table in the garage. I put the table back in the basement, and we are planning to make it sort of an office space. It's a nice counter-top with legs on it. For the shelf, I didn't have to do a lot of cutting. I basically made it half as deep as the shelves I took the boards from.

It probably took more time trying to sort through things and figure out what to put where on the shelves than the actual cutting and screwing together of boards. I still don't have it organized how I'd like it, but it's better than it was. Now I once again have room for the motorcycle in the garage (since I can't seem to sell it).

So, that's what I did yesterday...

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