Tuesday, December 25, 2018

So this is christmas

Here we are. Christmas Day 2018. It's kinda weird.

Oh, the whole family was together this morning. Isaac & Ricci, my mom & dad, Jane and myself... we all woke up at our house and headed to the Feipel's for breakfast. The grandkids had already opened their presents and were in full-play mode. Soon we were all transfixed to 'Home Alone' on the boob tube. When it got over at 12 pm, it was time for me to take Isaac and Ricci to meet up with her mom in Anderson. Jane then left to return my parents to their home soon after. And... that was that.

I got back from Anderson around 3 o'clock or so. I tried going to the grocery store but could not find one open. I'd forgotten it was Christmas day. So I went home and started putting the house back together. I deflated the air mattress, did a couple loads of laundry, moved back into my bathroom, put away spare chairs and picked up. Then I sat down here. It is strangely quiet now.

We opened presents Christmas Eve. I got the running gloves (Drew Carrie), beard grooming kit (Jane), and bottle of scotch I'd asked for (Jane). I also received the book North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail from Isaac & Ricci. This year I bought Jane her usual Ansel Adams calendar, as well as this birth-month flower necklace. I thought it was kind of neat, even though I know she doesn't care much for the February flower.

And... now I'm sitting alone at home on Christmas evening. I have to open the Y at 5 tomorrow morning so I would be turning in early anyway. But Christmas seems rather odd this year...

I did not get into the holiday much at all. I didn't even attend a Christmas Eve service at church. I stayed home with my dad while everyone else went to A and B's school/church program. I don't think the lack of snow or cold weather had anything to do with it either. It's more just a... detachment... or something. I don't feel connected to the church, to anyone at work, to any group of friends... It's not that I'm alone, but... I don't know... it's hard to put into words.

So this is Christmas. It was an okay one this year. I was glad my dad did as well as he did (for my mom's sake). I was happy everyone was able to be together. I feel pretty blessed with our family and all that we have (which is way more than we need). I'm lucky to have my wife and any kind of job or friends at all. Yet..... sometimes it doesn't feel like I am really living. I'm sort of floating along. That can be good sometimes... but other times... not so much.

Anyway... So this is Christmas. It's actually the FIRST DAY of Christmas (there are 12 days, remember?). Perhaps the second day will add something. And the third... and fourth... and so on.

Well, I'm running out of things to say. I need to make my breakfast for tomorrow. See if Jeopardy is going to be on tonight. Then it will be off to bed. Merry Christmas, readers. Peace out; and in.

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