Wednesday, January 30, 2019

This is not a polar joke

No kidding. It is a little chilly here right now. It was -15 degrees Fahrenheit when I snapped this on my phone. Brrrr.

While it is cold, it seems just a tad dramatic how so many schools, companies, and businesses closed down today and tomorrow. I mean, I opened the Y at 5 this morning and didn't have any problems. Although, I gladly would have stayed home if I could have...

Anyway, it never did get above zero today. I think the "high" was -5 or -9 or something. Rumor has it tomorrow might actually edge up over 0 in the afternoon.

All told, so far it hasn't been too bad. The furnace works, the bathroom works, and both cars have worked. I am glad we live in the city though. I do not miss the days of rural living where pipes froze, roads went days without being opened, and if/when the power went out - so did the water.

So... this is what is happening right now. I am looking out the window as I type this, and it looks cold as...

1 comment:

Jane said...

Well at least we can all rest easy knowing that the Nacho Fries are back. :)