Saturday, March 02, 2019

Saturday six

There is just too much to write anymore... So, here are six or so things for a Saturday.

1. Six miles
That's how far the lovely Lady and I ran this morning. We are into the second month of training for our next half marathon. I completed my six in just under 58 minutes. It wasn't exactly easy, but I didn't feel too spent. I went back and forth between 6.2 and 6.3 mph.

2. Saying goodbye to sertraline
I took my last dose (hopefully) of Zoloft/Sertraline this morning. I went two weeks at 25 mg, so I'm hoping I won't notice any side effects at this point. I have actually felt pretty good all week (head-wise). I seem to have more energy, and the weirdness is gone. I hope I can say good riddance to this sort of thing for good.

3. She said yes thirty eight years ago today
It was 38 years ago today that we went on our first date. We attended a girls volleyball game in Tampico, Illinois. Not very exciting, but I was pretty ecstatic. I can still picture a lot of it even still.

4. Sitting with my pastor
I had lunch with my pastor yesterday. This was our first chance to chat after the whole stupid board-of-directors fiasco. I kind of wondered if he might see if I was still interested (since Jane turned the position down), but apparently, they really aren't interested in me. That's okay because I wouldn't have done it at this point anyway. We had a good chat, but I just can't seem to get across that I could really use some encouragement. He's just not that type of person though, so I need to quit expecting it.

5. Seeing things differently
I think I'm picking up on a trend in my life. I have these expectations of others, and maybe it's me that needs to change (actually, yes, it is). I've been frustrated both at work and at church, and most of it has to do with my inability to express myself. It's especially problematic when it deals with conflict, but I don't believe it's ONLY limited to that. I simply have a hard time saying what I mean and expressing how I feel. So, I need to work on that. I can't keep blaming everyone else.

6. Sorry, but, no thanks
The denomination that holds my ordination (assuming I still am ordained) apparently had their one-day annual conference today. Or it was something like that anyway. I shared on here a couple months ago that the regional director contacted me out of the blue to see if we could get together. I got a message yesterday afternoon that he wondered if we could do supper tonight. Unfortunately, we are not able to, but he did invite me to attend this conference today. I didn't say anything but... man... I just don't think I could do that. It would be soooo awkward. I have had literally no contact with anyone from my old denomination in I-don't-know-how-long. So, while I appreciated the offer, I just don't think I could step back into that realm on such short notice.

So, there ya go. There's more, but that's enough. Until next time, peeps! This week begins the season of Lent. It has traditionally been one of my favorite times of the year. We'll see...

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