Saturday, May 18, 2019

Painting the church entryway

Jane and I painted the entryway to the church building this week. Technically we only painted two walls - the two with drywall - and didn't have enough paint to do the two brick walls. Still, it looks much nicer than it did.

This was something we had thought about doing, because it just looked so hideously terrible. One day the pastor said something about it, and I said we had just been talking about it. It turns out, someone had bought the paint to do it a year ago but had just never gotten around to it. So we used the already-purchased paint, and it all worked out.

Jane did the taping and put on the first coat on Thursday night while I did the parking lot for a baseball game. I put the second coat on the next afternoon after I got off work.

I will be surprised if anyone ever gets around to bothering with the brick walls, but like I said, it looks way nicer just with these two done. So, while it's not a big thing, it was something.

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