Monday, May 20, 2019

Vineyard Trail 5k 2019

We ran our second Vineyard Trail 5k this past Saturday at Two-EE's Winery. I think these are a blast! And, as far as I'm concerned - the more mud, the better!

This year we got stuck in the back of the pack at the start so we were behind a lot of walkers (why don't walkers know to start at the back?!?), so we didn't set any course records. We finished in something like 43 minutes (I thought last year was bad at 36 minutes). Anyway, we got our shoes, feet and legs muddy, worked up a nice sweat, didn't fall or get injured, and had a good time. Plus, I suppose just about any time you're drinking wine at 9 am is going to make for an interesting day!

Fleet Feet Fort Wayne organizes this event, and I use the term "organize" loosely. It is not a particularly well-run show. There are sooooooo many people, and not enough parking or room to run. Plus, we didn't know where the starting line was until the race was starting. They tried to make announcements but we couldn't hear them. There was even one point in the race where several of us couldn't figure out where we were supposed to go. But, in the end, everything worked out, and I know I wouldn't want to try to organize one of these things (but I'm glad they do)!

Logistically, we arrived around 7:30 am, and I think I finally got into a parking spot beside a big piece of earth-moving equipment just before 8 am. I put on bug spray but didn't need it. The run didn't start until probably at least 8:15. After finishing around 9-ish, we got our free wine glasses, a bottle of water, and then the free wine slushy. It always seems to be quite the ordeal with wrist-bands and the slushy servers and whatnot. Anyway, a BONUS for the day was that Todd Harrold and Nick Bobay were playing outside (one of our favorite acts). So we had a couple bottles of wine and sat on the hillside in the sun for another hour and a half or so. It was a gorgeous day full of sunshine and new warmth. This may have been the first Saturday complete with both!

After we were done there we headed back to Fort Wayne. I went and set up the parking lot for an evening Tincaps game, and Jane went with Carrie and the kids to watch the boys play basketball. We even managed to squeeze in a nap before Anna's tumbling event in the late afternoon, then we kept the kids overnight Saturday night.

Altogether it was a pretty fun day. :)

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