Sunday, June 09, 2019

My first run with toe socks

Okay, so I finally broke down and got some "toe socks." I'd had a friend recommend them (thanks Jim) for my continued problem with foot blisters from running. After one nine-mile run in them, I think I'm sold!

I've had recurring blister problems in the same place on the same foot for two years now: between the big toe and ball of my right foot, also popping up between the first two toes. I dealt with it all last running season. I ended up coating it with super glue last summer and fall during marathon training. I thought it had pretty well healed, but it came back after the Indy Mini half marathon this Spring.

So far this year I'd tried that band-aid glue stuff, regular band-aids, as well as special blister bandages that are rubbery and supposedly water-proof. Some things would work where the blister HAD been, but it would just grow out beyond where I had placed the bandage. Last week I decided to take the plunge and order the toe socks.

I got these Injingi Ultra Run socks from RoadRunner Sports and did a nine-mile run in them right out of the package. And I think... I'm crossing my fingers and holding my breath... I think they may have worked!!

It took me awhile to get them on. I don't have the longest toes in the world and trying to fit them into each individual "toe" was a little tricky. They also felt funny when first walking around. Once I hit the pavement, though, and all was well. I think they may have even added some extra cushion too!

While I was at it, I also ordered a 24-pack box of fruity mixed GU energy gels from RoadRunner. I don't really like eating them, but they are helpful on long runs. I usually only have one per hour on long runs, but I may use them more often with more on hand and not having to pay two bucks apiece for them.

So, in the end, going into my third week of marathon training for this summer, I'm feeling better about my feet at least. Actually, I feel pretty good in general. I will wear my regular running socks for the three to six-mile runs, and keep the toe socks for longer runs. I suppose one of these days I need to start shopping for a second pair of shoes...

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