I was doing my daily devotion earlier this morning using John 10:1-10. It's a familiar passage for me - Jesus is the Great Shepherd; his sheep know his voice; etc. - yet it left me feeling a little... dry. Would I really recognize his voice anymore? And, more than that, am I really following him with my life??? Exactly what impact does following Jesus have on my life?
I journaled some thoughts and said a little prayer. What with all that's happening right now with the mass shootings, the hate spewing, the lies, coverups and side-taking... the times seem rather bleak to say the least. I asked the Lord to speak to me.
Then I turned in my chair to get on with my day, and something caught my eye...
The YMCA core values are posted behind the desk where I work, and probably like most people, they've become a part of the wall and are virtually invisible. Yet on this morning... as an answer to prayer or not, I do not know - they seemed to pull the corners of my mouth up, and lift my spirit ever so slightly.
I'm not saying the YMCA is a great company to work for. It might or might not be, but at least I find the mission and values to be quite honorable.
The mission is stated as such:
We are a not for profit organization whose mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
Every now and then I will question exactly what those "Christian principles" are, and how exactly they are shown. For some odd reason it wasn't until this morning that I realized the values are the 'how' to the 'what' of the mission!
It was also this morning that I realized these values are also good indicators of how a Christian (or 'disciple') should live.
The Four Core Values are:
- RESPECT (hold people and the environment in high regard)
- Honor yourself and others
- Accept differences and meet people where they are
- Be thoughtful with your words and actions
- Show the courage to stand up for what is right
- RESPONSIBILITY (lead with your words, actions and attitude)
- Empower others to grow and develop
- Do what you say you're going to do
- Be a good steward of resources
- Take ownership of your decisions
- HONESTY (be truthful in words and actions)
- Do the right thing, even when no one is looking
- Communicate in a fair manner
- Be fair and transparent
- Be authentic
- CARING (love your neighbor as yourself)
- Show kindness and compassion
- Put others first
- Be complimentary and affirming when celebrating others
- Show a genuine interest in others
- Engage others with a positive attitude
So, I was a little encourage about that...
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