I don't know how in the world we are so busy... but for some reason we have been lately. It seems a lot has been happening, which has not only kept me from writing, but is wearing me/us a little thin too.
One major item we recently discovered is that Jane has a wheat allergy. She has always had issues with certain foods causing her to get sick, but it had lately grown worse. Her doctor finally did a food allergy blood test and wheat is the main culprit. Of course that covers a LOT of foods, and additives. It's nice to know the cause, but I wish we hadn't waited so long to find out.
There is a good article in the Medical News Today. As it states, "A wheat allergy is an immune system response. When the immune system mistakes a normal or good substance for a pathogen and attacks it, this is an allergic reaction. The immune system exists to protect us from foreign bodies and pathogens, or things that cause disease... Whenever the person with a wheat allergy eats a protein contained in wheat, their immune systems attacks the protein as if it were a harmful substance, like bacteria..."
The most common symptoms are nasal congestion, asthma, eczema, hives, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, irritation and possible swelling of the mouth and throat, watery and itchy eyes, bloated stomach, and anaphylaxis may occur.
Foods that are possible sources of wheat proteins and should be avoided are:
- most baked products, including cookies, cakes, donuts, muffins, crackers, pretzels, waffles, and bread
- breakfast cereals
- beer, ale, root beer
- coffee substitutes, malted milk, and instant chocolate drink mixes
- sauces, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, gravies, and condiments, such as ketchup
- couscous, pasta, and noodles that are made with wheat or semolina
- ice cream and ice cream cones
- dumplings
- gelatinized starch and modified food starch
- hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- processed meats, such as hot dogs
- meat, crab or shrimp substitutes
- monosodium glutamate
- natural flavorings
- vegetable gum
Anyway, I'm glad she finally went to the doctor, and that the doctor finally did something about it. Life can be pretty miserable if you feel miserable... and I don't want my honey feeling miserable any more.
"Wheat" -- yikes! Small mercies: you've still got wine.
Hahaha... Yes! I believe that was actually her first question to the doctor: "But, can I still drink wine?" "Of course!" :)
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