Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bible study card/bookmark

I know... I'm one of the quirky creatures that likes to spend oodles of time on meaningless little things that probably don't matter.

So, today I made these business card-sized  cards with three "connecting questions" on one side, and a closing prayer from our 'Godspeed' study on the other side.

I like to use things like this as bookmarks, or even to carry around in my pocket.

These could be used for any Bible Study or Small Group. The connecting questions are good to open with, and if you're into formal written prayers, everyone could pray the prayer together at the end.

These connecting questions are the latest I've settled on from this post the other day. The prayer, of course, is from the post yesterday about the new bible study we are participating in.

And... that's what I did today. I have ten of these cards, and will likely have a couple left over if someone were to want one or two. I printed them at home using Avery business cardstock.

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