Thursday, November 21, 2019

My current workout

Every year I tell myself I need to do more strength training during the running off-season. This year I've been forced into it. I guess that's how these things usually work.

I recently started working out again after about six weeks of not doing much of anything. Following the marathon at the end of September I've had some issues with my left knee and right ankle. I thought some time off would be good.

I consulted with a physical therapist that works in our building and she suggested I need to strengthen my glutes for the knee issue, and I likely have a tendon problem in my ankle. The knee feels quite a bit better, and the ankle is getting there.

I've only been working out 3-4 days per week. Currently it mostly consists of the following:
  • 2 times through the eGYM circuit (takes 30 minutes and covers arms, shoulders, core, and legs)
  • Around 15 minutes of resistance band exercises (side shuffle, monster walk, and foot side-to-side), along with some body-weight squats between sets
  • Around 20 minutes on the stinkin' Stairmaster (pictured) for a cardio workout. I can do about 80 floors in that time (at this point).
  • I cool down with a 10-20 minute walk on the treadmill.

I don't use very heavy weight on the eGYM. I'm not after big muscles, but more trying to tone and stretch. I use the 'weight loss' program, which is 80 seconds of workout with 30 seconds of rest on each machine.

The Stairmaster Gauntlet is a killer! Nothing gets me sweating and breathing hard faster than that thing. I hope to work up to doing it for longer, but 20 minutes is all I can do at the moment. Not only do I like the cardio aspect, but also that it does work the legs, and with no pounding on the joints.

Unfortunately, I am going to have to take some time off again at the beginning of December. I'm finally going to get this hernia fixed. I'm not supposed to do anything for at least a week following surgery. I'm not sure how long it will take to get back at it after that.

When I can start running again I would still like to maintain some of the above - at least a couple days a week. At this point I have no set timetable, but it looks like it may be January before I hit the ground running again. We'll see.

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