Friday, November 22, 2019

Jane gray

My lovely lady is finally transitioning to her natural gray hair, and I couldn't be happier!

It actually started maybe six months or so ago. I've wished she would go gray for as long as I can remember. Plus I've never been a big fan of hair coloring. So, she finally talked her hairdresser into doing it (he was not a fan). They've gradually been dying to get there.

Supposedly her hair appointment this past week was the last "coloring." From here on out she will just need hair CUTS!

Of course I love her in any color, but I am a fan of natural if at all possible.


In other gray matters...

I actually learned this week the difference between grAy and grEy - as far as the color goes.

I don't even know why I googled it. I suppose I had to write it somewhere. So... according to the interwebs (and this site in particular), it can properly be spelled with an "e" or an "a". However, Americans tend to use the A, and the British more commonly use the E.

So, there ya go. That's all I've got for this Friday...

1 comment:

bill sloat said...

Awesome. Au naturel. Nothing better.

I applaud her.

We have a relative, about our age, who's been dying her hair because her gray hair makes her HUSBAND feel old!