Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The first snow of the season

We had our first snow of the season yesterday. You can see it here out our back patio door (the pic was taken around 5:30 pm). Some reportedly saw flurries a couple weeks ago but this is the first I'd seen, and the first to accumulate.

It's kind of funny how things work. When I was a kid I don't really remember whether I liked snow or not. I don't remember a lot of things about being a kid. I grew to NOT like snow once I could drive though. Living in a rural area, and not being one to have a 4-wheel drive truck or snowmobile, slick roads were a major nuisance as far as I was concerned.

Now, though, I kind of don't mind snow so much. I was actually sort of excited yesterday with anticipation. I don't know if it's because we live in a city now and there is little we don't have access to even in bad weather, or if I just don't worry about things as much as I used to. I don't know.

I am a little surprised at all the people wondering if I made it into work alright this morning. I mean, we got maybe 3" of snow! Come on, people... this is the Midwest! That's nothing!

Anyway, it snowed. And it's supposed to get bitter cold now. I think the high today is supposed to be 24f, and it's supposed to get into single digits tonight (6 degrees f). Burrr... it seems a little early for that.

Now the big decision is... do I put the lawn mower away and get out the snow blower, or do I wait a little longer? Hmmm.

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