Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Hernia surgery

So... I finally had my hernia fixed (hopefully). I went in yesterday morning for "irreducible umbilical hernia" repair. I survived, but boy is it a pain in the... gut.

I guess I just assumed it would be laparoscopic since it was outpatient surgery. It was not. They cut me open about 1 1/2 inches just above my belly button. What I still can't get over is - there are no stitches, and not even a bandage! They simply glued it back together. So it's just... RIGHT THERE! Crazy.

This is sort of the rundown of the day:
  • We left the house just after 6 am and headed to the hospital.
  • I checked in at the surgery desk at 6:30 am. They already had all my pre-registration information, so that helped. Then I paid for it. If you pay up-front in full they give you a 20% discount. I'm like "YEAH!!!" Using the HSA card (from Jane's work) and paying in full saved us $961.92. So the total hospital bill was $3,847.66. That's a far cry from the $30,000 it would have been with no insurance. Supposedly that meets my deductible too, so I shouldn't have to pay the doctor or anesthesiologist anything. I hope so.
  • Everyone was super nice. I was kind of surprised by that.
  • I suppose I got called back to the surgery prep area around 7 am, and had to wipe myself down with these warm disposable cloths and put on the wonderful gown and socks. 
  • They put an IV in my right arm, just below my wrist. I do have to say, the lady did a FANTASTIC job, and I told her so. I do not like IV's, but I barely even noticed this one. It was for an antibiotic drip during the surgery, and to give me any meds I might need.
  • My blood pressure was pretty high. It was like 190/105 or something. The nurse was freaking out so she called the anesthesiologist. He said he would give me something during the procedure. It was still pretty high afterward - though not quite that bad. I am supposed to see my regular doctor about changing my bp prescription.
  • They wheeled me back to surgery a little after 8 am or so. It was freezing, as I expected. I climbed from the bed to the surgery table and they strapped me in. The nurses were chatting away and they finally put an oxygen mask over my nose. I think I remember them saying they were going to give me a sedative. Next thing I know... I was waking up in post-op recovery.
  • I actually felt pretty good when I woke up. My stomach hurt, but other than that I felt like I was fairly alert and could remember pretty much everything that had happened up until they knocked me out. The nurses there weren't overly friendly, and were mostly just gossiping with one another. They did finally give me some oral pain meds. Next thing I know they were wheeling me back to the room I started in, and Jane was there waiting for me.
  • I lay in the recovery room for a little while. They asked me more questions, made me go pee, then took out my IV and said I could get dressed. They sent Jane to get the car and an old lady wheeled me out front in a wheelchair. We left the hospital around 11:15 am, and were home around 11:30 am. I didn't think 5 hours was too bad.
  • I was still pretty sore for the ride home, as I still am today.
  • They filled a prescription for me in the hospital for Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen (generic for Norco) 5/325MG tablets. I am to take 2 tablets every 4 hours as needed for pain. They also said I could alternate ibuprofen every 4 hours between doses of the Norco.
  • Yesterday I did take the Norco every 4 hours, and one ibuprofen a couple times in between. Today I took 2 Norco at 4:30 am, but have only taken ibuprofen since then. I'm going to try to stay off the harder stuff and see if that will work. We'll see.
  • I spent most of the rest of the day and night in the recliner in the basement watching GRIT TV (Westerns). Every time I needed to come upstairs to use the restroom I would walk around the house for a bit. I'm supposed to walk as much as possible to help reduce gas pain. It actually feels better to stand up than sitting or laying.
  • As for other post-op instructions and follow-up:
    • I need to see my family doctor about my blood pressure.
    • I am to use a pillow to splint my stomach when coughing.
    • I am to take a stool softener to prevent constipation (and I am).
    • I am NOT to get the incision wet until the doctor says it's okay.
    • Avoid lifting anything more than 15 pounds for 4 weeks.
    • Avoid sex for 5 weeks.
    • I cannot drive while I am taking the prescription pain meds.
    • I can return to normal daily activities after 3 days as pain allows.
    • I have a follow-up visit with the surgeon a week from the surgery date (next Tuesday).
So, I guess that's that. I feel a little better today, but it's still pretty darn tender, swollen, and a little back and blue. The most pain is when I try to sit down or get back up out of a chair. Fortunately I haven't had to cough yet. I also haven't eaten a whole lot. I had scrambled eggs and toast for lunch yesterday and breakfast today. I had a turkey sandwich on toast for supper last night. I've drank a ton of water, and also some coffee.

Hopefully I can just rest the rest of this week and weekend. I feel pretty alert other than when I take the Norco, so I imagine the hard part will be not doing anything for another day or so when I start to feel better. It's also difficult not lifting more than 15 pounds. Shoot, a gallon of milk weighs like 10 pounds.

Well, I guess I should head back down to my recliner and some more movies. I'd like to watch the new 'The Irishman' on Netflix. We'll see if I can stay awake for a 3 1/2 hour movie!

1 comment:

bill sloat said...

I'm dreading a colonoscopy tomorrow. But, I'll take mine over yours any day!