Friday, December 06, 2019

Political humiliation to spiritual humility

A lot of things going on in my body - and mind - these last few days. This may be a bit disjointed, as that's how I currently feel, but I want to get some of this down...

First of all, ugh, I am still in some serious pain/discomfort from the hernia surgery on Tuesday (and this is what? Friday?). It's as much from the soreness and stiffness of sleeping/laying in a recliner, walking funny, and bloating and constipation, as it is the actual surgery. Though my stomach is still bruised, swollen and quite sore as well. So, my mind is a bit frazzled because of it. I'm not used to pain and I don't care much for it. I'd hoped to do more reading and whatnot, but it's a bit difficult to concentrate.

Anyway, I did listen to a really good podcast Wednesday (I think, it's kind of a blur). Tom shared a podcast with me from 'This Cultural Moment'. He figured I would need something to do while recuperating, and it was fantastic!

This Cultural Moment is a collaboration of John Mark Comer of Bridgetown Church in Portland, USA and Mark Sayers of Red Church in Melbourne, Australia. I don't believe I am familiar with either of them, but I really enjoyed the heart of both as they discussed things currently happening in our world. If I were more of a podcast listener, I would listen to more of these. Unfortunately, it's just not something I've been able to get into (ever)... but I suppose there is always hope.

So, I listened to this ~45-minute 'Live at Wildfires in the UK' podcast:

I didn't take many notes, but some things (I think) I heard...
  • One of them mentioned something like, "If you quit social media your happiness can go up by as much as 40% in as little as 5 days." I couldn't find a reference, and I may have misheard, but still... the point is valid. If you're depressed, get your ass off of social media!!!
  • They briefly discussed Rod Dreher's book 'The Benedict Option.' Something worth looking into someday...
  • The main thing, though, was this idea of what they believe God is doing in the world today. One of them quoted Winston Churchill: "The empires of the future are empires of the mind." I can't recall exactly what they were talking about, but then the other guy said - or maybe it was during his fantastic closing prayer - some things like this...
    • "The Western world is giving way to the Eur-Asian world." I can recall futurists (maybe Len Sweet and the like) saying we should be learning Chinese some 20 or more years ago. He went on to say, "It's like God is humbling Britain and America." Then...
    • "God is asking Americans to humbly listen to him; to focus."
    • "God is graciously allowing things we (Americans) have put our faith and trust in, to fail, in order to bring us back to him."
    • "May this political humiliation lead us to spiritual humility." 
    • "May this movement of crisis lead to spiritual healing."

Now, again, I may have mis-heard, so don't go quoting me on any of this without first listening to the podcast. Also, I am not trying to start a political fight. However, if you know me, you know that I do not understand the fascination within the American church for Donald Trump and/or his rhetoric. Same goes for the hyper-partisanship that is tearing at the very fabric of families, communities, and the like. However, I have sensed some of these same thoughts, and see great hope in and through them!

I guess I can kinda/sorta get the tie between Trump/Pence and 'civil religion' in America. And I mean no disrespect to anyone, but personally... I do not believe that has anything to do with the Christian faith of the bible (as I understand it). I mean, I do not believe Trump is any kind of "chosen one" or that America has anything more to do with the "end times" than any other country (probably a whole lot less than some). We are not the 'kingdom,' nothing has to happen because of us or in spite of us, but it doesn't mean we can't participate either. It is just completely different - to me.

At the same time, I can also understand God using things in our culture to speak to us. And, as I read in my devotions this morning from Mark 4:21-25, I want to hear, and see, what God is doing.

So, what do I make of all these thoughts mixing in my muddled (and pain riddled) brain?
  • I want a heart that is HUMBLE enough to not be swayed by politics, partisanship, or power. (I can think Trump is an idiot, but that doesn't mean I can't also think maybe God did place him where he is - for a reason. Or, maybe not!).
  • A heart intent on LISTENING... to the 'still small voice' that is the Source of sound (and often found only in Silence).
  • A soul STEADIED by the One who is, and was, and is to come.

Well... yeah... there you have it. For those of you wondering how I am coming along after surgery... My drug-induced thoughts from being stuck in the house alone with the cat (mostly) and sleeping in the recliner in the basement for three days. Although, the only drugs I've taken since 4:30 am Wednesday are ibuprofen and my blood pressure meds.

Anyway, it probably doesn't make sense, but... it is what it is... today. :)

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