Friday, January 10, 2020

Dr. follow-up / bp med adjustment

I had a follow-up visit with my regular doctor this past Wednesday. Last month he changed my blood pressure medicine from Lisinopril to the generic for Ziac (from an ACE inhibitor to a beta blocker).

If you recall, my bp was sky high when I went in for the hernia surgery at the beginning of December. It didn't come down afterward. My doctor suspected my body had become resistant to the Lisinopril.

After making the change to Ziac (bisoprl) 10/6.2, it seemed to take awhile, but it did finally go down. In fact, Wednesday morning was the first time I got anything close to normal - 121/75. I had still been running up in the 130-150 range for the top number, and 85-90 on the bottom, up until the week before. It was 134/86 at the doctors office Wednesday afternoon (after several cups of coffee).

So, while I had been worried only a week before that maybe I'd had a stroke at some point, my doctor wants to see what happens if he LOWERS my dosage from 10 mg to a 5/6.25 on the Ziac. He didn't like that my heart rate was getting down around 45-50, and thinks I might mostly need the diuretic side of the medicine. I guess we will see. At least I can take my bp every day at work.

Also... the doctor looked over the results of my latest blood work. He was quite happy!


On a side note: I honestly was wondering if maybe I'd had a stroke sometime around the last marathon. I was so furiously mad before running it. Then I drank too much and put quite a strain on my body running the race - while still fuming... I mean, stranger things have happened.

Also, though, I had been feeling just a little "off" for quite some time. Before I even had the surgery, actually. And just a week or so ago it seemed to go away. I suppose it's possible I had some type of virus that caused the rise in bp, and it finally ran its course.

Or... I really don't know. I feel good at the moment, so as long as my numbers are good and my doctor is happy... I guess I will just keep waking up each day and living.

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