Last week I posted a lame-brain message on Facebook. Can you believe that? Oh, it's not the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last. It was late on a Friday night and we had gone out for supper. I'd had one too many cocktails, so of course I should get on Facebook, right?! Doh!
Anyway, I actually forgot all about it... until the next afternoon when someone posted a comment. They were obviously offended by what I'd written, and while I don't fully understand their comment, it has really had me thinking. They said something to the effect, "How's that love like Jesus working out for you?"
Apparently they didn't think I was being very loving (Okay, for the record, I posted something like, "If any of my Facebook friends went to the Trump rally in Ohio to support him, please just unfriend me now..." I had read several accounts of the rally and, quite frankly, I wasn't in any mood to read about any of my 'friends' gushing over him). Yes, it was an idiotic thing to post on Facebook, but I didn't really understand how anybody could be offended by it. Sure, it makes me look like a jerk, but... whatever. Plus, I don't even know the person that left the comment!
In any event, it's had me thinking... how is my "love like Jesus working out?" I don't know where this question came from... I can't say that I am trying to "love like Jesus"... But I probably should be.
Well, it just happened that the next day Facebook reminded me of this quote by Henry Nouwen:
“Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. The hard truth is that all people love poorly. We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour increasingly. That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family.”Yeah... that's about as good of an answer as I could have come up with. I didn't share it with the person who left the comment. I'm not sure how they would have taken it. But I'm glad it was shared with me.
Honestly, about all I can seem to do to 'love like Jesus' is to say the 'Jesus Prayer' over and over...
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
Living a life of faith... trying to be always mindful of 'God with me' and my life with him... being attentive to the Holy Spirit... this is important stuff to me. So perhaps this was a prophetic voice in the wilderness commenting on my Facebook post. Yet, try as I might, there is a constant ebb and flow of obedience and rebellion... intentionality and forgetfulness... wanting and waning. And sometimes all we can do as a follower of Jesus is pray... the Jesus prayer.
I have not "arrived." I can only pray that someday I might. Until then... I call on Him. When I think of it. When I am reminded. When I'm aware of my need. I don't do it near enough.
I have never responded to the soul who posted the comment. I mean, I wanted to ask about the 2x4 in his eye... ;)... but, no... It's not about him. It was a good question. A great question! I'm glad it was asked. Whether it was he who asked it, or a source more divine...
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
And I pray you will too...
Man, on January 1 I came this close to posting, "Fellow Christians, let's make 2020 the year we committed to loving our enemies, blessing them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, and praying for them which despitefully use us, and persecute us!" It troubles me to speculate what sort of commentary that might have fetched.
I suspect I mostly read as a smart-ass, but I am sincere about the exhortation. I try it myself, though not nearly as rigorously as I should. And it helps. Then I stop and get all hateful and pissy again. I dunno. If I spent all 24 hours praying maybe I'd be a better person and not post so many smart-ass comments.
Haha... I meant to respond to this when you posted... I, for one, would hate it if you stopped posting smart-ass comments. Personally, I think it should be a spiritual gift! ;)
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