Friday, January 17, 2020

Ankle arthritis

No, that does not read "Uncle Arthur." Apparently my ankle pain is being caused by arthritis. Rats!

I finally broke down and called Fort Wayne Orthopedics earlier this week for my lingering ankle discomfort. I had my appointment today with Dr. Snyder, who happens to be the team doctor for the local minor league ice hockey team (ECHL).

Everyone there was super nice, and I felt they were very thorough. They took x-rays, asked me a million questions, had me do some different movements, and bent my foot/ankle all around. The doctor was fairly confident there is no stress fracture, or posterior tibial tendon damage. The x-ray did apparently show some midfoot arthritis though. The doctor said on a scale of 1-4 it is at a 1. Which is good. At least better than a 3 or 4.

The doctor referred me to physical therapy and instructed me to start a home exercise program. He added, "and if you feel like you must keep on running, at least cross-train, and I guess you can do it as long as you feel up to it."

Um... I told them I was a runner. And I wasn't lying. Just because I'm old, and slow, does not mean running is not important to me. So, to be honest, I was a little less than thrilled at that comment. But, I know. People who aren't like me don't understand. It's okay.

The good news: there is no structural damage. And I happen to have a physical therapy office right IN my workplace. I've already talked to the PT several times, so I'm somewhat ahead of the game.

The not so good: this was kind of unexpected. I hadn't even thought of this being an age-related injury. I mean, I can remember the day I first tweaked it! It has bothered me ever since then. But, you know, I'm not getting any younger, I guess.

Ultimately, I don't think it's a coincidence we just started swimming lessons. I really only run 3-4 days a week anyway. So, I'm going to consider it a positive that there is nothing in the diagnosis that says I can't continue to run and workout. The PT knows my routine (she watches me do it most days when I'm at the Y), so that won't hurt either.

My intention is to start ramping up my workouts again (post-surgery) like nothing has changed. If pain starts to interfere, I will adjust accordingly. At least I know I am not likely doing more damage. It's just the same damaged part. At some point there are drugs, injections, and surgeries that can be done if necessary. I have no desire to do any of that. I will simply try to continue to be smart, aware of my age, and go slow and steady... forward.

But, damn! Arthritis? I didn't see that coming...

1 comment:

bill sloat said...

Getting old stinks.

It sounds as if you're approaching this with common sense.

Hang in there. Life's a marathon, not a sprint...