Monday, January 20, 2020

Three good questions

I was trying to answer a totally unrelated question when I stumbled upon the three questions I am considering today.

We had an all-staff meeting at work yesterday, and at the start we went around the room and introduced ourselves and were supposed to tell how long we'd worked there. The meeting included people who work in membership, wellness, as well as instructors and personal trainers. While there were a number of people that didn't attend, there were still probably 25 or so that did.

Well, one thing I can never seem to remember is how long I have worked where I presently work. It seems like forever. So I looked it up on my blog. I STARTED WORKING AT THE Y IN SEPTEMBER 2017. So not quite 2 1/2 years.

When looking through my archives around that date, I came across this post about preparing for my interview. It was in reference to answering the hypothetical question "where do you see yourself in five/ten years?" I wrote something about preparing rather than planning, and the way I want to prepare myself for the future is to: Listen, Learn, and do Labors of Love.

You can read the past post if you're really interested. What caught my eye was actually in the "Listen" part. For the record, I have no recollection of writing any of that. But I liked these three questions in regard to listening:
  1. What is God trying to say to me?
  2. Where is God leading me?
  3. How can I serve him in this time and place?
I'm sure I must have read those somewhere. They seem like really good questions to consider today, and every day.

So, that's what I'm thinking about today... 

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