Monday, July 13, 2020

Use that voice

We humans spend a lot of time trying to be something or someone we are not. What if we all tried to be a little more like... ourselves?

In October of 2019 I read this little ditty from James Spector (For the Interested):
You know how you speak to the people closest to you?
When you're honest, personal, and genuinely care about them?
Speak that way to your customers or audience.
It will work much better than your "professional" voice ever could.

James was talking to business people and those wishing to gain an audience, but I think this could be applied to everyone in everyday life too.

Think of all the times you've tried to 'sound like you knew what you were talking about'... or 'sound like you were smart'... or 'sound like you were in charge'... or... all the other times you were simply not being yourself. How might things have been different if you had been honest, personal, and sincere instead?

I'm kind of guilty of this. I have my work voice, my phone voice, my angry voice... and then there's that voice I use with my closest friends. Personally, I like that version of myself the best. So why am I so afraid to be me?

Shoot, imagine if we tried this in our discussions about politics, racism, wearing masks?!?

I don't know... maybe I'm being overly idealistic. But I think the world could use a little more sincerity right now. A lot more of just... you and me.

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