Thursday, September 10, 2020

Running thoughts: double digits, consecutive days, pauses


I could have sworn I wrote about some of these things. Could be I forgot, or dreamt it, or maybe it's there and I just didn't see it. Anyway...

A week ago Saturday I did my first double-digit run of the year. Well, technically I ran 9 miles and walked another 1... but I'm counting it as 10 miles. It actually went quite well. The run before it was miserable, and I had not just a little anxiety when starting out on my longest run since last fall's marathon. I went slower than usual - between 10 and 11-minute miles. I felt pretty good.

Last week, then, was different. We were gone this past weekend, so I needed to cram three runs in during the week. Normally I run Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Last week I did 6-7 miles each on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The first two days were alright, but Thursday killed me. I prefer not to run that many days in a row. I was drained and sore all over.

Since we were in Atlanta visiting our son and his wife Friday through Monday, I did NOT run that entire time. After driving 10 hours on Monday, and having to work 10 hours on Tuesday... I chose a nap over a run then too. So I had five full days of no running at all! I'd intended to in Atlanta, but it just didn't work out. My legs enjoyed the rest, but with a 23.3-mile event coming up at the end of this month... it probably wasn't the best time to take that much time off. Oh well. At least I was only scheduled for a 10k for my long run last weekend.

It's hard to believe there are only two more Saturdays until I attempt the Triple Crown for the Fort4Fitness Fall Festival. It should be interesting. We'll see.


On an unrelated note, I was thinking the other day about how sorry my life seems at the moment. I mean, basically, running is all I have; and I'm not even very good at it. Sometimes it seems downright silly. Like, "what's the point?"

This morning I was reminded of this Thomas Merton quote though:

"Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm. If we strive to be happy by filling in the silences of life with sound, productive by turning all life's leisure into work, and real by turning all our being into doing, we will only succeed in producing a hell on earth."

So, I guess, to me, when I go for a run it is a space for silence in my life. I never listen to music or podcasts or anything. I just go. Sometimes I think about things, but sometimes I just... space out.

I don't know. I guess it is what it is.


Isaiah 46:4
“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”


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