Friday, November 06, 2020

Intolerance of uncertainty (why I'm losing my sh*t, and what to do about it)

This is my fourth day in a row of no news or social media. I simply can't take the back-and-forth of election news, public reaction to it, and... as I discovered this morning... the UNCERTAINTY of it all!

I stumbled across this little article, 'Why Election Uncertainty is So Hard To Process, According to A Psychologist.' It helped me understand why I've been in such a frantic state this week, and feel just a little less alone (which helped, by the way). They also offered a couple steps for survival.

The line that stuck out to me: "Intolerance of uncertainty is associated with depression and anxiety, and for those folks, uncertainties are unacceptable." Yeah. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety lately. Not like the "I need medicated" kind, but the "I-don't-know-what-or-who-to-believe-and-nothing-seems-to-make-sense-anymore" kind! So understanding this is a valid way to feel right now helps.

Anyway... I am surviving. Yesterday was much better than Wednesday (the 'day after'). I've been trying to stick to my routines. Daily devotions in Luke alongside N.T. Wright's commentary have been exceptional (Luke 17 and the connection between humility and gratitude was perfect). Soaking in some music in the afternoons has been helpful too. I wish I could go out for a run, or a bike ride even, but I'm learning that life goes on.

Some things I've been thinking about:

  • God is not in our debt, we are in his. To say "I've done all this," or "You owe me this"... is ridiculous. He has already give us everything!! The question... what am I doing with it; in it? He has given me this life to live, and I can either do that... or not.
  • Also, in today's commentary on Luke 17:11-19, Wright points out: "There is an old spiritual discipline of listing one's blessings, naming them before God, and giving thanks. It's a healthy thing to do, especially in a world where we too often assume we have an absolute right to health, happiness and every possible creature comfort." He concludes, "This rhythm of faith and gratitude simply is what being a Christian... is all about."

So, I am trying to find certainty in the things before me. Family, friends, work, music...

I hope you're all dealing okay.


Hebrews 13:16

"Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God."


1 comment:

Whisky Prajer said...

Hey Dan-o -- I'm doing okay (I think: it's always a possibility I could be grossly out-of-touch with my true self). But, yeah, I'm worried for friends who, it seems to me, are completely bound up in this tug-of-war for the White House. It's important to care about this matter, but I think it is increasingly important to keep the matter from claiming and consuming us.

I'd say I'm with Wright: gratitude as discipline is the greater matter, 'cos that's what we've been told to do (particularly as it applies to our enemies). Not sure who's the preacher/choir here, but I think we've got the same songbook. :)