Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday stuff

 It seems like a Sunday... likely because Jane had yesterday off (apparently the day after Thanksgiving is now a holiday for full-time employees at my company). I'm not complaining she was home, but they're supposedly trying to find ways to save money, and this seems a strange way to do it...

Our cat has been acting strange the past few days. Yesterday we couldn't find her. Hadn't seen her since Thursday morning. I finally crawled into her favorite hiding spot - under the basement steps behind boxes of miscellany junk - and there she was. She wasn't looking so good, and I began to worry. Eventually she emerged though, and has now been strangely attached, appearing to feel fine. She is currently perched beside me as I type. Who knows...

I just read where one of the waitresses where I used to have a weekly breakfast has died. Rose had been a there for 35 years - until they closed the place down earlier this year due to the pandemic. I knew two other waitresses there - both my age - who had worked there since they got out of high school. You hate to see places like that close, but I suppose it's going to be the new norm. The rich will get richer...

We have this 'Dancing Jesus' sitting in our front picture window (it "dances" when the sun shines on it). The above pic is the one I placed in my mom's window. I had Jane grab a couple of them at the hardware store in Princeton, IL after we'd seen them on a visit to my mom. They were $1.99 in the Christmas decoration aisle. We weren't sure whether to be offended or amused. The package says, "Jesus sunny jiggler: Dances under the bright lights." Um... I can imagine Jesus dancing... but not necessarily wanting anything to do with 'bright lights.' I suppose the 'light of the world' maybe. I dunno... but I kind of like having it around anyhow...

The University of Illinois is now 3-0 in college basketball. They won their first two games by 62 and 59 points respectively, and the third by 2. It could be a good season, but will for sure be interesting nonetheless. I spend way too much time reading their message board. I suppose there are worse things to waste my time on...

Speaking of the Illini... the football team had their game with Ohio State cancelled today. OSU apparently had too many test positive for covid to play a game (or something like that). I'm sure they'll still find a way for them to play in important games. College sports has to be one of the most corrupt enterprises in the country. Right up there with politics...

Well, today is daughter Carrie's 11th wedding anniversary. I will never forget the moment when the time had come for me to walk her down the aisle. I went into the old church basement to get her, and when I pulled back the curtain, there she stood with the widest, brightest, most beautiful smile I had ever seen! It brings a tear to my eye still... a happy tear. One of my best memories ever...


That seems a good place to stop...


“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” -1 Chronicles 16:8

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