Friday, December 11, 2020

Doctor visit

 I had a regularly scheduled followup visit with my new doctor today. My first visit was in July. I guess this one was to make sure I was legit. Anyway, it went okay. Even though I arrived 15 minutes early, and I had to wait 30 minutes before going back to a room, and another 15 minutes before the doctor arrived. He seems nice enough though. Blue jeans and sweatshirt. I'm okay with that.

My weight was 169 (which is heavier than I'd like, but a couple pounds lower than the last time). My BP was (I think) 160/82. He said it was pretty high, so I'm wondering if it was 160/92 and I misheard. Anyway, I always go high when at the doctor. I had a handful of readings I've taken at work and home from the beginning of December and they were all in the ~130/78 range. That's about as good as it gets for me. I just don't seem to get below 120 on the top number. Ever (rarely). 

The BIG QUESTION was: how have I never had a colonoscopy??? "Well..." I said. So, fortunately, because of covid and all, he sent me home with a poop-sample kit that I apparently do myself and send it in. If it comes back positive I have to have a colonoscopy, but if not, I have managed to elude one for another year.

He listened to my lungs and heart and said he would be okay with seeing me twice a year. So my next visit is in June 2021 for a physical. Yay.


“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” -Isaiah 7:14


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