I had my "annual review" this past week at work. It took all of about 5 minutes after I got done with my last shift of the week. I put "annual review" in quotation marks because... there wasn't one last year. I guess being shut down for 10 weeks had something to do with that.
Anyway, there is also a new format this year: five questions. I much prefer this to the old one where we had to rate ourselves in a number of categories, and then defend why we rated ourselves that way. And the point-total we came up with determined our raise (which would never be more than 3%). It was stupid. This is better.
The new review format begins with two opening paragraphs:
At the Y, helping kids, families and communities to learn, grow, and thrive requires strong, Cause-driven Leadership. Cause-driven leaders are recognized by others as leaders who always have the mission and cause front and center in the way they think, act, and communicate.
Before each meeting with your supervisor, please think about the past year and a goal for next year. Please answer the below questions and include a work goal for your 2021 Annual Review Discussion.
The questions were as follows (with my answers in blue):
- What is one thing you are most proud of in your YMCA work? In the past year it was simply not quitting.
- Things you do as my supervisor that help me to be successful: Your level of character, integrity and professionalism.
- Things you could do as my supervisor that would help me be even MORE successful: More emphasis on the Y mission - incorporated into everything we do.
- Describe a personal YMCA work goal: Have a better attitude.
- What skills, passions, talents do you have that you want your supervisor to be aware of? N/A (My boss never asked about any of the above, but the reason I put N/A is because it doesn't really apply or matter. My skills, passions and talents can't really be put to use because part-time employees aren't able to participate in any strategizing or planning in any way. It's not his fault, it's the way the organization operates. So, part of my having a better attitude is just resigning myself to this and simply showing up and doing my job).
At the bottom of the form is a place for 'Supervisor's General Comments'. My boss wrote: "I appreciate Dan's leadership to take on additional duties; help with membership checks; updating processes etc; Thanks for all you" (yes, that's how it ended: "Thanks for all you." He's way overworked himself, which is why my review lasted 5 minutes and it was mostly him rehashing all the stupid stuff he'd had to do that day).
As I was walking out he then added, "Oh, and do you know about the raise?" I said I did (which I did). Apparently part-time people got a pretty significant raise ($1.75/hr). I know it's a lot, especially for some people. However, considering I was making more money 35 years ago - plus getting full benefits - it's hard for me to get too excited about it.
So, you know, it is what it is. I tried to be as honest as possible in filling out my sheet, without being negative. I don't want to be negative. I don't. But this organization has some real issues. My wife and daughter also work for the same organization (at different locations) and it is just not a lot of fun to work here for any of us. Probably more so for them than me even. Yet, I'm tired of complaining about it. I really am trying to have a better attitude, and to be a better person regardless of my job.
"In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." - Titus 2:7-8
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