Monday, November 22, 2021

Trip to buda; e-zpass all the way

For the second time in three weeks we made a trip to Buda and back. It was the same Friday-Sunday as usual, with a tad tweaking of times (we headed out at 9:30 AM Friday).


I guess the main reason for this trip was because Jane's brother Keith moved back to the area. He has lived in Colorado for the past ~30 years or so. His health is not the greatest so two of Jane's other brothers rented an RV and drove out and brought him back to their town.

Jane spent Friday afternoon taking him to get a new ID and to the bank to get his finances switched over and whatnot. On Saturday she was there most of the day helping him sort and unpack, setting up cable TV, social security, and things like that.


I guess I had been under the impression we were going to have "thanksgiving" with my mom, since we won't get together then. Instead I spent most of Friday and Saturday just milling around the house by myself.

I did get a few small projects done. I took the flag down for winter, sprayed inside and outside for bugs, and picked up sticks in the yard. Most of my time was spent working in the garage. There are two separate dog pens inside (as well as outside), and I've been meaning to tear them out and build a row of shelving for storage. It is so full of crap - old tools, umpteen sets of golf clubs, bags, and carts, and old decorations! There are also somewhere in the neighborhood of a million bungee straps, extensions cords, dog leashes, horse leads, pieces of wire, rope, and just about anything else you can think of! Anyway, I took the gates off the inside pens, so you can at least have a little clearer access, and took down some of the wire. I also filled her garbage dumpster with empty boxes and as much as I could fit into it. Someday I also need to tackle all the stuff in the top of the garage!

My dad was a pack rat. He saved every snip of wire, used nails, board ends, every single light fixture that had ever been replaced, toilet parts, plumbing pieces, boxes, tools, coats, boots, hats... and the list could go on forever. He was also that guy who would purchase the random box of miscellaneous items no one else wanted at auctions. I don't know that mom was a pack rat so much as, she just likes to buy stuff! Decorations, lawn ornaments, doodads and knicknacks galore! They have a lot of stuff.

Anyway, I was dirty and tired by Saturday afternoon. I did manage to watch the Illini lose in football to the University of Iowa. It was worsened by the fact that they could have won! Oh well.


I don't believe I've mentioned that I've been trying to run at least 1 mile every day. I think I started around November 11, and so far have managed to keep it up. Usually I go farther (5k or so), but I at least jog for a mile and then walk the rest of 30-60 minutes each day. I don't have a goal in mind for how long I want to keep it up, but for awhile anyway. We'll see. I'm not much for running outside in cold weather.

One thing I noticed while running around Buda Friday, Saturday and Sunday is... almost everyone was burning leaves this weekend (something we can't do in the city), and the smell and smoke was a bit overwhelming. Everyone also seems to have a dog tied outside that barks, and park their vehicles in the yard. That's probably an exaggeration, but was just something I noticed. They also chip-seal the streets (I think that's what you call it). There's a layer of loose rock, and it made running a bit of a challenge.


We stayed and went to church with my mom on Sunday for a change. It's been awhile since we've attended a service there. They have a new pastor and my mom raves about him. He is Korean (like the previous one), although he's actually from California. He's also super young! My mom likes that he is big into visiting people and is outgoing like her.

So, we went. You have no idea how uncomfortable I feel in this place and among these people. I get really uptight. Not to mention so many seem to lack respect for personal space here. I don't like people getting in my face or touching me. Of course it probably reads like conceit or arrogance. It's really just awkwardness.

Anyway, as far as the 'new pastor'... While I didn't meet him personally, it was easy to see why so many like him. He's young, energetic, smiles incessantly, and if enthusiastic is not the same as energetic - he's all that too! He is also pretty old-school. He pointed out visitors by name from the pulpit (or at least the ones he was made aware of), he quoted Scripture a lot, and seemed to go on and on a lot. He finished with a couple alter calls where he asked people to come forward, then asked us to close our eyes and bow our heads and raise our hand and such. I think he's probably a great guy... I just can't get into that again.

It was nice to visit with a few old friends, but overall... not so much my thing.


One bright spot of this trip is we finally got an E-ZPASS transponder to go through the two toll booths without having to stop. Wow, that makes it so much easier. I can't believe we waited this long.

We signed up a year or so ago for the Illinois tollroad to just take a pic of our license plate and automatically charge our card. We had still been paying the $.80 at the Indiana toll though, and there always seemed to be some issue every time we went through!

I got online a couple weeks ago and tried to set up the Indiana E-ZPASS, but the website was stupid. So I went down the street to the South Anthony CVS and just bought a transponder over the counter. It was $25, but part of that money goes into our account and will cover however many trips through the booth. It's pretty slick and I'm glad we finally took the plunge.


All in all, while it was a fairly laid-back trip, I am tired this morning. Everyone seems tired. Plus, it didn't take long for me to recall just how much I hate my work situation of feeling ignored, alienated and alone. Ugh. It's supposed to be Thanksgiving week though, so...

Here goes nothin'.


“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” -Colossians 3:15


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