Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Last mowing of the year (?)


I think I may have mowed the lawn for the last time this year. Well, actually, I'm only half done. And, actually also, I mowed more leaves than grass...

At any rate, I used the bag attachment on my mower for the first time last week too. There were just a few leaves on the ground, and I mowed as low as I could hoping the ones still in the trees would hop right on through to the neighbors.

They weren't so cooperative though, and the yard was getting pretty full. So I mowed a bunch of leaves and a little grass yesterday. It's a nice idea just emptying the bagger along the curb instead of raking. Practically it isn't quite so simple. I could only do a down and back and then had to stop, shut the mower off, empty the bag, and start the mower again. It took about an hour to do the front and side yards - which is longer than it usually takes to do the entire thing! The back had waaaaaay more leaves, and is the larger section, so I decided to wait until today to finish.

I also decided maybe I better rake some of the leaves in the back. I filled two tarp-loads and hauled them around front. Now this afternoon when I get home from work (and after my run) I hope to mow the back section of lawn and be rid of most of the leaves, and also be done mowing for the year.

We'll have to see about that. I can't remember ever mowing in December, but you just never know...

As for the bag attachment... I'm not sure how I like it. It's really easy to use. Since I normally use the mulching blade I think I prefer going without the ol' bag. It feels more environmental friendly to leave the clippings on the ground. Plus I don't really have a system for disposal. It's nice to have the option though.


"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” -Colossians 2:6-7

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