We have survived another holiday... so far. Thanksgiving 2021 came and went without much ado. So far.
It's funny how everything has to be 'so far' anymore, because, you know, say if someone had covid and spread it around... that could put a damper on things. Not that most people who celebrated thanksgiving probably even believe in covid.
Me? Oh, I still believe in covid and will forever blame don trump and his dumb-ass followers for hundreds of thousands of deaths in this country. I just don't give a fucks ass anymore. Who cares.
Oh, you meant 'what did I do for thanksgiving'? Ah, well... not a lot.
We both had the day off work, and started the day by going to a Y. Imagine that! The Y on the north side of town has a Turkey Trot fun run. You walk or run around their outdoor trail/track for 45 minutes. Almost everyone walked (including Carrie and Anna), but a handful of us jogged. Jane and I made it around twice and called it quits. Yes, it was drizzling rain, but it was also 45F so it wasn't too bad. And it was a free event! Not only that, we got a long sleeve shirt, a stocking hat, and most everyone won a prize of some kind. I got two!!
After that was over (it was from 8-9 AM) we headed back home and got McD's for breakfast. Jane had the burrito meal and I had the McGriddle meal. Yum. Then Jane started cooking and I started cleaning (or finished what Jane hadn't already done, which was basically just my bathroom and setting up the table).
The Feipels came over around 1:30 and we had the big meal: turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, green bean casserole, cranberry goop, celery with cheese, rolls, carrots, and pumpkin pie. Oh, man. I am glad there was some left over. I had another plate of it for supper, and took some green bean casserole and sweet potatoes to work with me this morning for breakfast (I love this kind of thing for breakfast!).
The guests left around 4-ish and we dragged our butts to the basement for football. The Cowboys game went about as I expected. Egads. The son and I texted a bit after it was over, complaining about the officiating and whatnot. Apparently that was the most penalty yards against the Cowboys since 1970. And it was called bad on both sides. I mean, I know officials are only human, but that crew should be reprimanded. They totally dominated the game - and not in a good way.
And... that was about it. I went to bed around 8:30 because I had to work today. I was only there from 4:45-11AM. It was fairly slow, but everyone was in a good mood. It was also some different people. Lots of out-of-towners, so it wasn't too bad.
After work I had a bite to eat, took a quick nap, went on a 3.1/2-mile run/walk, and sat down at this computer with a glass of wine. It's the weekend! Jane had the day off and she's rummaging around the house doing 'holiday stuff' or something. I'm done for the day.
It was a brisk run. It's 29F outside, but I dressed too warm. It's probably not good to work up a sweat doing the 5k and then walking 2 miles at the end. That's what I do though. Whatever. It's not like dying from covid.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,” -Hebrews 12:28
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