Monday, November 08, 2021

Trip to buda

I remember when I used to refer to these as trips "home." Meh, apparently that term is reserved for heaven now. Hopefully. At any rate, the two of us journeyed west Friday evening and headed back to the Fort Sunday morning. It was uneventful travel.

My sister was at my mom's - having been there for her birthday and she actually stayed a week! Her dog was also there. It's a nice dog, as far as that goes, but still a dog and I am not a fan of those animals that require attention.

Apparently I got drunk after we arrived Friday night, and told my sister and my mom I would drive them to Florida sometime in December or January. I really hope it doesn't work out, because for as much as I hate where I work, I don't really want to be driving them to Florida either. We'll see.

I didn't do too much while there. Saturday I watched the Illini beat Minnesota in football, then I put mom's patio furniture in the garage and installed a new headboard in the guest room (on the big bed). Saturday night was the annual Veterans Supper. We walked over to the community hall with Jane's brother Mark and had turkey. It always seems to taste pretty good. Mom, of course, was helping serve. Fortunately we didn't run into too many people there. It was a pretty sparse crowd.

Jane and I neither one felt too good while we were there. Either I gave her my cold or we're both suffering from seasonal allergies. At least we slept good both nights - with the aid of Alka Seltzer Plus cold medicine.

Sunday was the end of Daylight Savings Time, so I set all the clocks back Saturday evening. I'm not sure why people are so opposed to this. I enjoy getting the extra hour to sleep in the fall, and you could probably change the time on me every night without me even being aware. Whatever. I've got too much other stuff to be angry about (apparently).

We had to leave fairly early Sunday morning (9:30 Central) so I could be back for a 4:30 (Eastern) meeting for work. I should have just skipped it. I didn't feel good, was travel-tired, not in a good mood, and none of it really applied to me anyway. I probably won't make anymore of them.

Somehow today is Monday again. Driving to work seemed like I was in a strange, foreign land. Everything seems to have changed. I don't like it. I also don't like not being in training for something. It's like, what am I supposed to do with myself??


Psalm 31:10-12

"My life leaks away, groan by groan;
    my years fade out in sighs.
My troubles have worn me out,
    turned my bones to powder.
To my enemies I’m a monster;
    I’m ridiculed by the neighbors.
My friends are horrified;
    they cross the street to avoid me.
They want to blot me from memory,
    forget me like a corpse in a grave,
    discard me like a broken dish in the trash."


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