I got a covid test done yesterday. I went to the Walgreens on W. Jefferson and pulled up to the drive-thru. They handed me the swab in a pouch, I twisted it around in both nostrils and gave it back, and in 40 minutes they emailed me that it was negative.
I didn't really think I had it, but I've still got this lingering runny nose and cough. I think it's probably allergies or the simple cold. Just can't seem to shake it. I just wanted to make sure. You never know.
Although, I suppose it's possible I had had it, or that it was a false negative. Either which way, they sure have come a ways with the whole testing thing. I'm not sure why they don't have more antibody testing sites though. I suppose that involves blood.
One of these days I need to get my booster. Probably in a week or so.
So, I did that. I went for a run a couple days this week. I was thinking I would again today, but it's still a bit chilly. Maybe this afternoon. We'll see. It felt good to get out when I did. My legs feel good. I'd like to try to keep up 12-15 miles per week over the winter, and maybe add in some cross training of some kind. I just hate working out at work though (or, really, any gym for that matter). I wish we still had a treadmill at home, or that I could get used to running outside in the cold. I don't know though...
Well, that's about it. I guess I am back to just a 3-hour workday on Fridays for all but one week this month. I wish it didn't have to be the first 3 hours. I was a bit rough this morning. Oh well.
“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.” -Romans 13:6
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