Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Now there's an attention-getter! I don't really want to talk about any political issues though. I'm totally baffled by something I just found out. It feels sorta like discovering I was adopted, or something...

I just had a conversation with a guy I see several times a week, and he told me he started working for Breitbart today (as a comment moderator on one of their news sites). I honestly had to google it to see for sure what it was... and I won't be linking there! I hope my google algorithm hasn't been poisoned as well by that far-right click (I'm kidding! Mostly).

I don't know what it is about me, but it seems people always assume I am a political conservative. Shoot, I'd say in many ways I'm more liberal than a democrat! I don't know, maybe I don't really know. I just know it's annoying when people assume I'm conservative and say things that really rankle me about climate change, or politics, or covid and whatnot. Or, maybe they DO know it rankles me, and that's why they say it. Who knows.

I was reading a NY Times article this morning - Two Covid Americas - about how politics is the biggest divider on the covid/vaccine issue, and there was this quote that caught my eye:

“The inconvenience of having to wear a mask is more than worth it to have people not think I’m a conservative.” - David Hogg

Ha! Yes, THAT'S ME! I'm one of the few people I know who still wears a mask at work, and anyplace else I think I should. I'm not afraid of getting covid. Heck, I'm boostered full bore, and will continue to get boosted, and I can't imagine that I haven't already had covid considering where I work... It's not a fear thing, it's honestly probably a political thing more than any other factor at this point. Plus the fact that, you know, three fourths of the people who have died from covid are over age 65 (which is what they said from the beginning), and I don't want to be one who spreads it to susceptible people!

So, what's frustrating is, even with my mask on, people still seem to think I'm a conservative. Harumpf. I guess there are worse things. And I don't know why I even care. I know some swell conservatives. Just once I'd like someone to look at me and think, "Now that guy's liberal af!" though.

But... maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm neither conservative nor liberal. Maybe I'm just a guy who goes about his day, trying to maintain some mindfulness of God and the people around me, and hoping I can keep the negative voices in my head to a minimum. And that's why I've been trying to avoid the news for the past year or so. I think it has helped get me through more days than not...


"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28

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