Monday, February 28, 2022

Eye exam and new glasses

Jane and I splurged this year and got each other new eyeglasses for Christmas. She got hers last month, I got mine this past Friday.

I had my eye exam the previous Friday (2/18/22) with Dr. Teel at Costco. That's where we went the last time too. It was actually almost four years to the day since my last visit. The doctor suggested maybe every year or two would be better. Still, my prescription didn't change much. In fact, apparently she backed off of my reader vision a little.

These frames are quite different from my old big black plastic ones. These are almost a chrome, with blue across the top and corners. They are Colours by Alexander Julian, blue silver, 55/17/140. I'm having trouble getting them to sit just right on my face. I also don't really like how they show the bags under my eyes. But, whatever. They're okay I guess.

Anyway, these are lighter than my last pair, and the lenses are thinner. I still went with the blue light protection. So far they seem easier to clean than the previous pair. The salespeople said they had improved on that. We'll see. Haha. ;)


“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. - Mark 10:52

1 comment:

Jane said...

I think you look quite handsome. :)